Or maybe they wanted to be small and petty because it was easier to hold on to the shitty than to let it go and to move forward. And maybe they were just having a bad day. Remind yourself that no matter how small people are (get why I liked this quote?), they are still people. Why hold on to a coffee/a minute out of your day/an unpleasant conversation? Often, it is not a big deal. Who are you helping when you act small? Not anyone around you, and certainly not yourself. Until my day started to dwindle down and I decided to let it go. Small, as in the opposite of be-the-bigger-person.

That interaction embodies what my day was in a nutshell.

The barista had already handed her her drink, which she had voluntarily made double the size to what the woman had ordered.
A life is a life no matter how small for free#
She snapped again when they handed her her drink after dropping everyone else’s order to make it, and demanded that they “should offer something to customers for free when they are kept waiting for this long”. While waiting in line at Starbucks I saw a woman be so incredibly rude to the baristas because her order had gotten lost. It is so easy to be in a situation that angers you or makes you feel shitty or flusters you and to want to be small right back at the person(s) involved. This ties back to my Happiness is not a choice post. I was cranky and tired, and when people around you are being shitty too that does not always make you feel bright and shiny. I was already done with how my day was going by 9:05 am. People today were bitter, fussy, not communicating with each other, rude. My day started very very early and I have only just arrived home. But I read it and thought oh my god this should have been today’s mantra. If you know anything about Horton Hears A Who then you know that this is in reference to the physical meaning of small. “A PERSON’S A PERSON, NO MATTER HOW SMALL.” I looked up quotes from Horton Hears A Who and found this: I took a picture of that purple flower (somebody tell me what it’s called?! I bet my mom knows) and it reminded me of Horton Hears A Who - Dr Seuss, check him out. Sometimes you have a shitty day, and then sometimes you decide to stop and look at the flowers because no matter how shitty a day can be flowers are flowers and are always pretty.